
Wander Rebel likes to be transparent to the users of this website, such as visitors and companies that work with us. We are therefore happy to tell you more about our working method:

Wander Rebel only publishes articles written by ourselves. We therefore only share our own opinion and experience, even when it comes to a sponsored article or an article that contains a sponsored link. Wander Rebel is not there to promote services and products, but to inspire others in a realistic way and to provide readers with our own honest advice.

Wander Rebel strives to keep this website up-to-date by providing the correct information. However, it may happen that articles are out of date or contain inaccuracies. Wander Rebel cannot be held liable in any way for this and therefore no rights can be derived from the content of this website. After all, the content of our articles partly depends on third parties, the date of a visit to a destination and our personal experience and opinion. We appreciate it if you share inaccuracies on this website with us via info@wanderrebel.com, so that we can adjust the relevant article and provide the correct and up-to-date information.

All texts, photos and videos on these websites are the property of Wander Rebel and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. None of these publications may be copied or distributed in any way without permission. For use you can contact us at info [at] wanderrebel.com.

Sometimes a link to another website is placed in an article, for example as advice or to gather additional information. However, we have no influence on these websites and are therefore not responsible for their availability or content. Wander Rebel can therefore not be held liable for damage resulting from the use of third party websites. We are also not responsible for the privacy guidelines of these other websites.

Affiliate and sponsorship
Wander Rebel can only make articles accessible for free thanks to advertising banners, affiliate links and collaborations with companies through. sponsorship. We adhere to the Advertising Code and will always honestly state these forms of paid content at the bottom of the article. We also only work with parties that match our website and deliver relevant articles for our target group.

Affiliate links
Affiliate links are sometimes placed within our articles and in ‘our favorites’ shop. When you place an order via the link, we receive a small fee. There are no additional costs for you. The fee is used to maintain this website and provide readers with new content.

Sponsored links
Sponsored links are sometimes placed within our articles, sometimes in combination with a recommendation. We will then receive a fee for placing such a link, but the article itself is written by ourselves and completely based on our own opinion and experience.

Sponsored Articles
Sometimes we post a fully sponsored article. This is an article that is commissioned by us and is therefore sponsored in its entirety. We do not post articles that are supplied by third parties, so our sponsored articles are also written entirely by us and are therefore based on our own opinion and experience.

Changes disclaimer
Wander Rebel has the right to change the content of this disclaimer without prior notice. Changes will be immediately visible in this document.