Welcome to Wander Rebel, an online magazine for everyone who strives for a new and free way of living, working and traveling.
We make content for people like us. We travel, hike, bike, camp, sail and snowboard or atleast try to. On the road we work as digital nomads from our office on wheels, while at home we enjoy our permanent hideaway and the adventures close to home. Furthermore, we fix our finances for an also free future, we love the outdoors, we create awareness and we take pictures to hang our travel and outdoor adventures on the wall as polaroids at home for a lasting memory.
We don’t claim to be professional adventurers, but when we make our own campfire during a wild camping trip in nature, we sometimes feel that way. We are a colorful online magazine where we write about themes such as travel, vanlife, outdoor activities, location-independent working, finances and photography. Everything that gives us the ultimate feeling of freedom or with which we can create more freedom. For the hippie with a surfboard, the adventurous family, the (part-time) career tiger who works from his office on wheels, the outdoor enthusiast, the traveling environmentalist and that one person who always walks with a camera in his hand.
So we make content for all those other freedom millionaires (to be) who are looking for tips and inspiration for a free way of living, working and traveling or for those who are just looking for a visual escape during the first cup of coffee in the morning 🙂
Wander Rebel was founded by location-independent entrepreneur and travel enthusiast Shamira van Veenendaal. She started the originally online travel magazine during the many trips she made to work on her career as a documentary and lifestyle photographer. With a permanent home base in Utrecht, Shamira now travels part-time with husband Niels in a van that they have converted into a camper.

Due to the location-independent profession of both – Niels works as a freelance network engineer – the two lovebirds have always been free to combine work with their love of travelling. They have now been living, working and traveling this way for more than 10 years and have merged their activities for Wander Rebel, photography and IT into one company to be able to work together on projects like this from now on.
The freedom of their way of living, working and traveling turned out to appeal to many others as well. Wander Rebel therefore quickly grew from just a travel blog to an online platform for freedom millionaires (to be) where we share inspiring content on topics such as travel, outdoor activities, location-independent working, finance and photography.
Would you like to collaborate? Or do you have questions?
Send us a message (we like to hear from you!) at info (at) wanderrebel.com